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13 января, 13:58
Trace Sport Stars HD - телепрограмма на неделю
25 ноября
26 ноября
27 ноября
28 ноября
29 ноября
30 ноября
01 декабря
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архив телепрограммы
. По ссылке доступна
программа передач на сегодня
30 ноября, суббота
05:00 The Iconic (Olympics - Winter Games) (12+)
05:30 The Truth About... (Winter Olympics) (12+)
06:00 Foul Play (Skategate) (12+)
06:30 Foul Play (Episode 30) (12+)
07:00 The Short List (Top 10 Sporting Moments That Inspired Movies) (12+)
07:30 Sports Woman (The Fastest Women) (12+)
08:00 Star Rated (Ultimate Daredevils) (12+)
08:30 Sport Stars Uncovered (Andy Murray) (12+)
09:00 Only Live Once (Rock Stars Bouldering) (12+)
09:30 Homage (The Unconventionals of Football) (12+)
10:00 Sports of All Sorts (Total Combat) (12+)
10:30 The Truth About... (Michael Phelps) (12+)
11:00 The Truth About... (Basketball) (12+)
11:30 The Truth About... (Leader of the Caps) (12+)
12:00 The Truth About... (Bayern Munich) (12+)
12:30 The Truth About... (Usain Bolt) (12+)
13:00 The Truth About... (Stick Sports) (12+)
13:30 Star Rated (Coolest Male Stars) (12+)
14:00 Sport Stars Uncovered (Lewis Hamilton) (12+)
14:30 Only Live Once (Adidas Rockstars) (12+)
15:00 Homage (The Rivals) (12+)
15:30 Sports of All Sorts (Sport Confidential) (12+)
16:00 The Truth About... (Social Media) (12+)
16:30 The Truth About... (Winter Olympics) (12+)
17:00 The Truth About... (Late Bloomers) (12+)
17:30 The Truth About... (Goalkeepers) (12+)
18:00 The Truth About... (Tom Brady) (12+)
18:30 The Truth About... (Stars Behind The Stars) (12+)
19:00 Homage (The Unconventionals of Basketball) (12+)
19:30 Sports of All Sorts (Sport Confidential) (12+)
20:00 Star Rated (Coolest Male Stars) (12+)
20:30 Sport Stars Uncovered (Lewis Hamilton) (12+)
21:00 Only Live Once (Adidas Rockstars) (12+)
21:30 Homage (The Rivals) (12+)
22:00 Sports of All Sorts (Sport Confidential) (12+)
22:30 The Truth About... (Social Media) (12+)
23:00 The Truth About... (Winter Olympics) (12+)
23:30 The Truth About... (Late Bloomers) (12+)
00:00 The Truth About... (Goalkeepers) (12+)
00:30 The Truth About... (Tom Brady) (12+)
01:00 The Truth About... (Stars Behind The Stars) (12+)
01:30 Only Live Once. Прямая трансляция (Episode 26) (12+)
02:00 Homage (The Unconventionals of Basketball) (12+)
02:30 Star Rated (Biggest Spectacles) (12+)
03:00 Sport Stars Uncovered (Usain Bolt) (12+)
03:30 Only Live Once. Прямая трансляция (Episode 26) (12+)
04:00 Homage (The Unconventionals of Basketball) (12+)
04:30 Sports of All Sorts (Sport Confidential) (12+)
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