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07 февраля, 08:39
RTД HD - телепрограмма на неделю
06 января
07 января
08 января
09 января
10 января
11 января
12 января
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07 января, вторник
05:00 Art lounge (Universal Dostoevsky: Part 1) (12+)
05:13 Art lounge (Universal Dostoevsky: Part 2) (12+)
05:30 Meeting With Nature (Me And My Lions Part 1) (12+)
05:42 Meeting With Nature (Me And My Lions Part 2) (12+)
06:00 To the max (My Crazy Russian Vlog Part 1) (12+)
06:11 To the max (My Crazy Russian Vlog Part 2) (12+)
06:30 For real (My Life, My Size Part 1) (12+)
06:41 For real (My Life, My Size Part 2) (12+)
07:00 Wars and disasters (Holy War) (12+)
07:30 My Life, My Way (Why I Moved To Russia Part 1) (12+)
07:42 My Life, My Way (Why I Moved To Russia Part 2) (12+)
08:00 This is China (City Of The Phoenix) (12+)
08:30 Art lounge (Lights, Camera, Yakutia! Part 1) (12+)
08:43 Art lounge (Lights, Camera, Yakutia! Part 2) (12+)
09:00 Out of cycle (Maasai: From Sand To Snow Part 1) (12+)
09:12 Out of cycle (Maasai: From Sand To Snow Part 2) (12+)
09:30 My Life, My Way (Bolshoi: pas-De-Brazil. Part 1) (12+)
09:41 My Life, My Way (Bolshoi: pas-De-Brazil. Part 2) (12+)
10:00 Wars and disasters (Steel Savers part 1) (12+)
10:13 Wars and disasters (: Steel Savers part 2) (12+)
10:30 Meeting With Nature (Antarctica: Terra Somniantes. Part 1) (12+)
11:00 Meeting With Nature (Antarctica: Terra Somniantes. Part 2) (12+)
11:30 Wars and disasters (Rocking For The Smo Part 1) (12+)
11:43 Wars and disasters (Rocking For The Smo Part 2) (12+)
12:00 Lumumba`s Africa (Africom & Attempts To Control Future African Leadership) (12+)
12:14 Lumumba`s Africa (Struggle Against The Colonizers) (12+)
12:30 Art lounge (Russia`s Avant-Guardians Part 1) (12+)
12:43 Art lounge (Russia`s Avant-Guardians Part 2) (12+)
13:00 Art lounge (Russia`s Avant-Guardians Part 3) (12+)
13:13 Art lounge (Russia`s Avant-Guardians Part 4) (12+)
13:30 Wars and disasters (Anti-Fascist Caravan. Rhythms Of Resistance Part 1) (12+)
13:43 Wars and disasters (Anti-Fascist Caravan. Rhythms Of Resistance Part 2) (12+)
14:00 Meeting With Nature (Tundra Wonder Mums Part 1) (12+)
14:13 Meeting With Nature (Tundra Wonder Mums Part 2) (12+)
14:30 My Life, My Way (We`re Not Freaks Part 1) (12+)
14:41 My Life, My Way (We`re Not Freaks Part 2) (12+)
15:00 For real (Cambodia`s Hollywood Dad: Part 1) (12+)
15:12 For real (Cambodia`s Hollywood Dad: Part 2) (12+)
15:30 High life Lab (The Congo Dandies: Part 1) (12+)
15:43 High life Lab (The Congo Dandies: Part 2) (12+)
16:00 World Of Sport: Amazonka: the iron pumping queen (12+)
16:14 My Life, My Way (I Married A Hologram) (12+)
16:30 Wars and disasters (Man Of Iron Part 1) (12+)
16:43 Wars and disasters (Man Of Iron Part 2) (12+)
17:00 Art lounge (Universal Dostoevsky: Part 1) (12+)
17:13 Art lounge (Universal Dostoevsky: Part 2) (12+)
17:30 To the max (My Crazy Russian Vlog Part 1) (12+)
17:41 To the max (My Crazy Russian Vlog Part 2) (12+)
18:00 For real (My Life, My Size Part 1) (12+)
18:11 For real (My Life, My Size Part 2) (12+)
18:30 Wars and disasters (Holy War) (12+)
19:00 My Life, My Way (Why I Moved To Russia Part 1) (12+)
19:12 My Life, My Way (Why I Moved To Russia Part 2) (12+)
19:30 Art lounge (Lights, Camera, Yakutia! Part 1) (12+)
19:43 Art lounge (Lights, Camera, Yakutia! Part 2) (12+)
20:00 Out of cycle (Maasai: From Sand To Snow Part 1) (12+)
20:12 Out of cycle (Maasai: From Sand To Snow Part 2) (12+)
20:30 My Life, My Way (Bolshoi: pas-De-Brazil. Part 1) (12+)
20:41 My Life, My Way (Bolshoi: pas-De-Brazil. Part 2) (12+)
21:00 Wars and disasters (Steel Savers part 1) (12+)
21:13 Wars and disasters (: Steel Savers part 2) (12+)
21:30 Meeting With Nature (Antarctica: Terra Somniantes. Part 1) (12+)
22:00 Meeting With Nature (Antarctica: Terra Somniantes. Part 2) (12+)
22:30 Historical files (Finnish Face Of Fascism: Part 1) (12+)
22:42 Historical files (Finnish Face Of Fascism: Part 2) (12+)
23:00 Historical files (Finnish Face Of Fascism: Part 3) (12+)
23:12 Historical files (Finnish Face Of Fascism: Part 4) (12+)
23:30 Wars and disasters (Rocking For The Smo Part 1) (12+)
23:43 Wars and disasters (Rocking For The Smo Part 2) (12+)
00:00 Meeting With Nature (Me And My Lions Part 1) (12+)
00:12 Meeting With Nature (Me And My Lions Part 2) (12+)
00:30 To the max (My Crazy Russian Vlog Part 1) (12+)
00:41 To the max (My Crazy Russian Vlog Part 2) (12+)
01:00 For real (My Life, My Size Part 1) (12+)
01:11 For real (My Life, My Size Part 2) (12+)
01:30 Wars and disasters (Holy War) (12+)
02:00 My Life, My Way (Why I Moved To Russia Part 1) (12+)
02:12 My Life, My Way (Why I Moved To Russia Part 2) (12+)
02:30 This is China (City Of The Phoenix) (12+)
03:00 Art lounge (Lights, Camera, Yakutia! Part 1) (12+)
03:13 Art lounge (Lights, Camera, Yakutia! Part 2) (12+)
03:30 Out of cycle (Maasai: From Sand To Snow Part 1) (12+)
03:42 Out of cycle (Maasai: From Sand To Snow Part 2) (12+)
04:00 My Life, My Way (Bolshoi: pas-De-Brazil. Part 1) (12+)
04:11 My Life, My Way (Bolshoi: pas-De-Brazil. Part 2) (12+)
04:30 Outer Space (Chasing Stars Part 1) (12+)
04:44 Outer Space (Chasing Stars Part 2) (12+)
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