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16 сентября, 22:26

KBS World - телепрограмма на неделю

Вы просматриваете архив телепрограммы. По ссылке доступна программа передач на сегодня
23 февраля, пятница 

05:20 Live Your Own Life. Прямая трансляция (Episode 37) (12+)
The drama revolves around Lee Hyo Shim, who devotes herself to her family after her father disappears. But one day she decides to start an independent life. She takes a job as a fitness instructor in downtown Gangnam and supports her family from afar Режиссёр: Ким Хён-иль
06:40 Boss in the Mirror (Episode 241) (12+)
08:10 Liver or Die (Episode 39) (12+)
This is a story about a lonely, pitiful middle-aged man who has never lived for himself Режиссёр: Чин Хён-ук
08:50 Liver or Die (Episode 40) (12+)
This is a story about a lonely, pitiful middle-aged man who has never lived for himself Режиссёр: Чин Хён-ук
09:25 My Lawyer, Mr. Joe (Episode 11) (12+)
Joe Deulho used to be a star prosecutor but cannot ignore the corruption at his workplace. Reporting it, he ends up losing everything he has. However, instead of giving up, he rebuilds his life and tries hard to become a lawyer to protect the poor. What hardships would Mr. Joe face while fighting for justice? Режиссёр: Lee Jung-seob
10:40 KBS World News Today (Episode 639) (12+)
11:00 Dream High (Episode 1) (12+)
Girin Arts High School is a prestigious school that trains students how to dance and sing. This year, special kids entered the school. Slowly, they pour their hearts out to each other and become friends Режиссёр: Ли Ын-бок
12:10 Dream High (Episode 1) (12+)
Girin Arts High School is a prestigious school that trains students how to dance and sing. This year, special kids entered the school. Slowly, they pour their hearts out to each other and become friends Режиссёр: Ли Ын-бок
13:20 Boss in the Mirror (Episode 241) (12+)
14:50 Unpredictable Family (Episode 100) (12+)
A romantic family drama about a married couple who separated 30 years ago due to hatred and reunite with the help of their children, overcoming long-standing conflicts and animosity Режиссёр: Ким Сон Гын
15:25 The Two Sisters (Episode 14) (12+)
The drama shows two women fighting for their freedom and a new life. They face various difficulties that prevent them from starting a new life Режиссёр: Ким Щин-иль, Чхве Джон-ын
16:05 The Princess`s Man (Episode 5) (12+)
Will love be able to defeat hate, or will the Shakespearean story of Romeo and Juliet repeat itself? Режиссёр: Ким Джон-мин, Пак Хён-сок
17:25 Golden Girls (Episode 8) (12+)
18:45 My Lawyer, Mr. Joe (Episode 12) (12+)
Joe Deulho used to be a star prosecutor but cannot ignore the corruption at his workplace. Reporting it, he ends up losing everything he has. However, instead of giving up, he rebuilds his life and tries hard to become a lawyer to protect the poor. What hardships would Mr. Joe face while fighting for justice? Режиссёр: Lee Jung-seob
20:05 2023 Drama Special (Episode 6) (12+)
The 2023 KBS Drama Special offers a plethora of stories accompanied by extreme thrills, fresh takes, and heartwarming sensations 
21:25 Music Bank (K-Chart) (12+)
21:35 Unpredictable Family (Episode 100) (12+)
A romantic family drama about a married couple who separated 30 years ago due to hatred and reunite with the help of their children, overcoming long-standing conflicts and animosity Режиссёр: Ким Сон Гын
22:10 The Two Sisters (Episode 14) (12+)
The drama shows two women fighting for their freedom and a new life. They face various difficulties that prevent them from starting a new life Режиссёр: Ким Щин-иль, Чхве Джон-ын
22:50 The Princess`s Man (Episode 5) (12+)
Will love be able to defeat hate, or will the Shakespearean story of Romeo and Juliet repeat itself? Режиссёр: Ким Джон-мин, Пак Хён-сок
00:00 The Return of Superman (Episode 513) (12+)
01:15 The Seasons (Episode 41) (12+)
01:30 Woman in a Veil (Episode 52) (12+)
A woman becomes blind and suffers a locked-in syndrome because of her husband and his mistress; when she gets involved with an heiress who has it all, she seeks desperate revenge to find justice and love Режиссёр: Щин Чхан-сок
02:10 My Lawyer, Mr. Joe (Episode 12) (12+)
Joe Deulho used to be a star prosecutor but cannot ignore the corruption at his workplace. Reporting it, he ends up losing everything he has. However, instead of giving up, he rebuilds his life and tries hard to become a lawyer to protect the poor. What hardships would Mr. Joe face while fighting for justice? Режиссёр: Lee Jung-seob
03:25 Unpredictable Family (Episode 100) (12+)
A romantic family drama about a married couple who separated 30 years ago due to hatred and reunite with the help of their children, overcoming long-standing conflicts and animosity Режиссёр: Ким Сон Гын
04:00 The Two Sisters (Episode 14) (12+)
The drama shows two women fighting for their freedom and a new life. They face various difficulties that prevent them from starting a new life Режиссёр: Ким Щин-иль, Чхве Джон-ын
04:40 Woman in a Veil (Episode 52) (12+)
A woman becomes blind and suffers a locked-in syndrome because of her husband and his mistress; when she gets involved with an heiress who has it all, she seeks desperate revenge to find justice and love Режиссёр: Щин Чхан-сок