09:00 Banda Magda: live at BIRD Rotterdam. Прямая трансляция (12+)
10:31 Forro Series (12+)
11:33 GayBird Leung & Zephyr Quartet (12+)
12:07 Irene Dresel. Прямая трансляция (12+)
13:18 Classical: NEXT 2019 (Sniedz) (12+)
13:46 Creamfields (12+)
15:00 The Opera Locos (12+)
16:19 Jesse Cook - Follow the Road (12+)
17:22 New Cool Collective - Melkweg, Amsterdam (12+)
19:35 Jungle By Night - Jazz in Duketown (12+)
20:40 Songbook - Half Moon Run (I never heard anyone say that, and yeah, I know exactly what it means. It has to go in there, this has to be a song) (12+)