14:41 Songbook - Half Moon Run (I never heard anyone say that, and yeah, I know exactly what it means. It has to go in there, this has to be a song) (12+)
15:04 Jazz a Ramatuelle: Parisien meets Kuhn & Portal (12+)
16:36 Arsenik - Olympia, Paris (12+)
17:52 Classical: NEXT 2019 (Close Call) (12+)
18:18 Giana Viscardi - New Year`s Eve Special (12+)
19:10 The Hermes Experiment (12+)
19:42 Jazz in Duketown (Michelle David) (12+)
21:04 Rock Am Ring. Прямая трансляция (12+)
22:45 At Salle Pleyel 2019 (12+)
00:02 La Mambanegra - Music Meeting Festival 2018 (12+)
01:32 Ensemble Offspring (12+)
02:03 Bakolo Music International - WOMEX 2018 (12+)